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Mercedes Castro Corbat



Mesa Transformer

The table is placed against any wall, turning it upwards to generate a decorative plane or downwards as a table for family gatherings, friends, various mates, a desk and as many other uses as any decent table can offer. It is produced in tetraplak, a residual tetrabrik material that comes from the packaging process and reels that have printing or cutting defects. This material, which is not naturally degradable, achieves finished products that do not impact the environment and thus find a new way of life. The images stamped on the plates are prints of original collages made on paper.


Zaishu are works of art that function as a seat, table or box.

Para saber más haga here.

Otras obras Zaishu.


To see the interview of the Natural Resources Program Click here.

The Ecobolsas project, which is promoted by Sabe la Tierra, contributes to the dissemination and implementation of the productive project.

BA Art 2010, space provided by Think Argentina. Projects carried out with Potencialidades in collaboration with the Sindicato de Aristas, under the motto 'fly high'.