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Creepers and Natives

La serie de collares Enredadera surge a partir del uso de la forma rectangular de una radiografía. En este trabajo, me interesó la metamorfosis que se genera en  el paso de la bidimensionalidad de un plano a la tridimensionalidad del objeto a partir del corte del plano. 

El material de base es un collage que hecho con retazos de corbatas y telas, que con tijeras, corto formas que generan un diseño orgánico bidimensional y que al ser desplegados en el cuerpo, adquieren una tridimensionalidad caprichosa y volumétrica.


When I have to choose a medium I tend to work with recycled materials. I like the idea of ​​being able to give them new life and meaning, and in the process transform that material into something that is unrelated to its previous use.

The bicycle tube is malleable, strong and flexible, it allows me to cut complex shapes that are related to nature, thus creating an image that is very far from the use of that material in its previous life.

Ephemeral Necklace

Made with logos found in magazines, this series of necklaces arises from the study that maintains that in the West a person, on average, can recognize up to 1,000 commercial logos but is unable to recognize ten native plants from their natural environment.
Jewelry has always been considered as objects that conferred status to the wearer, today the logos of commercial brands have the same value, to this is added the significance that these logos have, as symbols of status and/or luxury, which allow the user to quickly identify the environment to which the person who wears them belongs.

Tan nativas, tan vanitas en vano